Estate Management
Our Estate Caretaker carries out weekly estate inspections which includes inspections within common closes and back courts. These inspections ensure that the area is being maintained to a high standard and to:
- Identify any repairs to common areas
- Monitor the performance of contractors including close cleaning, ground maintenance and the weekly bulk removal
- Liaise and work in partnership with Glasgow City Councilin relation to reporting issues with fly-tipping, graffiti, streetlighting, dog fouling and refuse collection
- Identify poorly maintained gardens by main door tenants
If you have private garden, it is your responsibility as a tenant to keep your garden neat and tidy. You can achieve this by cutting your grass on a regular basis, carrying out weed control, keep gardens tidy by picking up any litter or debris and not allowing your pet to foul. If you fail to do so, it could result in further action being taken by the Co-operative.