Social Housing Fuel Support Funding

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in securing more funding from the above fund.  We have secured £45,900 from Phase 3 which will allow us to issue a £100 energy voucher to every household!  A text has been sent to all tenants with a link to complete a survey via SurveyMonkey to gather information to enable us to issue the voucher.  If you haven't received the text or require any assistance completing the survey, please contact the office. 

We have also been successful in securing £10,000 from Phase 2 of the fund.  This will allow us to provide tenants with small energy efficient appliances (i.e. slow cookers and air fryers), high tog duvets and limited floor coverings for those tenants who we have identified as not having sufficient floor coverings to heat their home.  If you are interested in receiving any of these, please contact the office by Monday 27th November 2023.